Check this out: Hapifork – Can a smart utinsel make you a smarter eater?

Those of you that know me, understand that I LOVE new toys. I ran accross this fork that is linked to an smartphone application and the I think the fork vibrates when you are eating too fast. Slow eating = less food and more weight loss. While I would LOVE to have one, HOWEVER, they are not avialable yet and they are exprected to cost $89 each. I just can’t bring myself to pay that kind of money for a fork!!


Day 12 – 320.2 – 14.6 pounds worked off – 50.2 to Go!!

Good Morning!

Slept great last night. Woke up ready to tackle the world. I was excited to see that the scales had cooperated and I had lost a few more pounds. I think there is something to say about eating enough calories to make your body think it’s ok, not starving. Yesterday I increased my caloric intake and felt great all day. I am going to keep this thing going.


MyNetDairy Information

Here is yesterday’s daily intake:

Pro Performance Shake
2% Milk

Grilled Chicken Breast
Pork Tenderloin
Honey Mustard

Prego Meat Sauce
Multi-Grain Elbow Macaroni
Shredded Cheese


Calories: 2110
Fat: 51g
Carbs: 233g
Protein: 159g
Trans Fat: 5g
Saturated Fat: 21g
Ploy Unsat Fat: 2g
Mono Unsat Fat: 3g
Cholesterol: 319mgs
Sodium: 3480mg — 1980mg too HIGH
Fiber: 26g
Sugars: 101g

All and all not a bad day. The sodium was blown out of the water by the Spaghetti sauce. Now that I am watching ingredients I am constantly amazed by the amount of sodium in “normal” foods.

Again thank you all for your support and advice. Those of you on this journey with me KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!