Day 102 – Well, I’m back. Is it possible to have a healthy vacation?

Good Morning.

Well it’s over, vacation that is. The time off was just what I needed. I had plenty of time to re-charge, relax and enjoy family that is too far away to enjoy regularly. I was very concerned at the start (and during) this vacation that I would not continue to lose weight. I thought about my weight everyday, every meal. I will come clean, I had a couple cookies, ate more than I normally do and even had a few beers. I mean who goes to the ocean and doesn’t have a Corona and lime or two, or three or… well I think you get my point. I was in the land of sweet treats and deep fried EVERYTHING. After all it’s about moderation, right?

Dining out was my biggest obstacle. The restaurants in that area do not put any emphasis on healthy cooking. Almost everything on the menu is deep fired or smothered in sugar, sometimes both!! The healthy food while, there, took some detective work to find. Chickens must be hard to come by south of the Mason-Dixon Line, because it was not a popular menu choice, nor was it ready available in the local super market. Eating at home was easier and healthier. While there where still had the assortment of un-healthy deep fried, processed choices, everyone made concessions for me and provided healthy choices as well. I appreciate the flexibility and everyone not making me feel like a crazy northerner! Without everyone’s support, this trip would have been a lifestyle disaster!!

All the way home I keep wondering what the scales would say. Would have gained, stayed the same or heaven forbid stayed the same. I wanted to keep things consistent and weight my self in the am, like I have done for the last 88 days, so I had to avoid the temptation of stepping on my normal scales the second I walked in the door last night.

Bright and early this morning, I jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom. Stripped down to what god gave me and hopped on the scales. SCORE !! 273.8 POUNDS. So I lost 5.2 pounds while on vacation. I was pretty stoked. Thats 61 pounds in 102 days, not to shabby. I guess all the walking did the trick!

Myfitnesspal said that I have lost an additional ten pounds and now they have automatically adjusted my daily caloric intake goal to 1840 calories.

Time to get back to my normal routine and hopefully I will be able to hit my primary goal of 270 pounds this week. When that occurs, I am going to reward myself with a massage!!

Hope everyone has a great day. Glad to be back!

Big thanks goes out to everyone that has provided me with positive comments and support. Keep them coming!!


STARTING WEIGHT: 334.8 pounds
GOAL WEIGHT: 270.0 pounds
TODAY’S WEIGHT: 273.8 pounds

Day 88 – Working out on vacation isn’t so hard!!

Good Morning.

I will have to say that I was very concerned about being able to maintain my weight loss while on vacation. I was concerned about the lack of an available gym and the lack of my normally structured diet. So far neither has been a second of an issue. I have had to make some changes and use my imagination, but my family has mad concessions to help me maintain the availability of good food choices. I have used Mother Nature as my gym. There is a really cool irrigation path through the been field that can get me 2-4 miles (depending on the path I choice) every morning. All and all it’s seems to be working out great. Great time with my family (which I have missed) and my extended family. This is going to be a great time away.

Saturday July 6th, 2013

**CLICK HERE** for my detailed food dairy and nutritional information.


Day 59 – The goal gets closer every day!

Good Morning!!

Another 1.6 pounds gone. Yesterday was an exceptionally light food day. It was odd, but I was not hungry at all yesterday. I did however still eat ‘something healthy’ every 3 hours. I believe that the ‘lack’ of hunger allowed me to eat small portions and remain satisfied. I am telling you, there is something to this eat every three hours idea. It really seems to be working for this body. I admit that the process takes a level of dedication that at times is overwhelming, but with good planning and a committed mind, it is possible. Take a look at my food diary. I ate something every 3 hours. I never once ate a large meal, remained below my suggested caloric intake and remained satisfied all day. To complicate this somewhat yesterday I worked EMS. I planned ahead and took snacks and foods that where portable and non-perishable, so I could eat them on the move if needed. It all worked out and I lost over a pound yesterday.

Today should be a good day too, that is if I survive. Saturday’s are CaveMan Days at the YMCA. Gonna try to be a caveman for a day then hit the treadmill or stationary bike. I just pray to the good lord above that I am able to get out of bed in the morning!!

June 7, 2013

MyFitnessPal Personal Food Diary.



Hope everyone has a great weekend.

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~Buddha

Day 57 – Start of competition

Good Morning!!

Today is the day! The Fayette County Memorial Hospital Weight Loss Challenge weigh in. The competition officially begins today. Weigh in for everyone is today. The challenge premise is pretty simple, lose weight and win cash and prizes. Teams of 4 will compete for the ultimate prize, however they say during the competition there will be individual prizes awarded for pre-established goals. I signed up because I am already on a weight loss journey, figured I might as well have the chance to win chase and prizes. Plus thought maybe this would give me extra motivation. 57 days into my personnel journey and I remain just as motivated as I was on day one. I love seeing the changes in my body!! Weigh in weights may vary a bit from my home weights. At home weights are in my birthday suit – guessing my public weigh ins will not. So I’m certain there will be a slight discrepancy.

My team is appropriately named “Back to the Basics’. The name has a dual meaning. Everyone on the team accept me is an Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMT-B). For me it implies getting back to the basics of eating and living healthy. **CLICK HERE** to visit our team’s Facebook Page – “BACK TO THE BASICS”

**CLICK HERE** for my Facebook Page “I BEAT ANOREXIA” Stop by and leave a comment.

***CLICK HERE*** For MY detailed food information.



Day 56 – House of Cards?

Good Morning!

It always amazes me how things that are not structured can stand on their own. A prime example, is a house of cards. They are easy to build, not much planning is required and they normally stand on their own for at least a short period of time. However, because of lack of foundation and support beams, all it takes a small gust of wind (any challenge) to make it topple down. Foundations and support beams are normally a slow and steady process. It takes time, experience and dedication to build a solid foundation and strong and competent support beams. I know from experience that when you do not take the time to build a solid foundation and train and retain a solid support beam structure, it’s only a matter of time before your house of cards will fall.

I have taken the steps to provide a solid foundation and structure for this weight loss project. I am remaining consistent and because of that consistency the weight continues to fall off. The path is not an easy one. The doors of temptation are always open, usually right in front of your face. I take pride in my choice to ignore the door and maintain on the path to a healthier life. The things that challenge us, will only make us stronger in the future.

If you are working in or on a house of cards, take the time to shore up the foundation. The extra time, blood, sweat and tears will be well worth it at the end. When you step back in the future and look where you came from, all that hard work will seem like a faint memory.

Keep up the fight!!



CHECK OUT my food diary via

Click the link above and view my Food Diary for Tuesday June 4, 2013.

Hope everyone has a great day. Please leave me feedback!!

Day 54 – 37.4 Pounds Down – Keep it going!

Good Morning!



Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Today’s Weight: 297.4
Total Loss: 37.4 pounds

Sunday June 3, 2013

Breakfast: 250 cals
Gold Standard Whey Cookie & Cream Protein Shake
2% Milk

Lunch: 305 cals
Pork Loin
Sour Kraut

Dinner: 520 cals
Wendy’s Chicken Wrap (2)
Apple Slices
Unsweetened Tea – NO sweetener added

Snacks: 234 cals
Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Side Salad
Zesty Italian

Water – Water – Water

For my complete nutritional details visit

Day 52 – Energy UP and weight DOWN – Sounds like a good formula!

Good Morning.

This has been a busy and quite productive week for me. It’s kind of odd to me the amount of energy and drive I have these days. I feel like i’m always looking for the next project. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, maybe it’s the weight loss who knows for sure, but I am liking it.

I am kinda bummed that I am not going to be able to attend the ‘caveman’ class this morning. I have a continuing education class for my medic card all day today. I was really – all kidding aside – looking forward to another class. I mean the soreness from last weeks class finally wore of by about Thursday. So why not give it another shot! Is it dedication and determination to lose weight, or pure stupidity? Guess we will never know. Regardless of the reason, the only thing that will show is the weight loss.

Friday May 31,2013

The formula is simple – WORK MORE THAN YOU EAT!! – The weight will come off.



Caloric Goal: 2130 calories
Caloric Intake: 1312 calories
Difference: -818 calories

Breakfast: 360 cals
Fiber One Honey Squares
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Whey Protein Shake w/ Almond Milk
Men’s Health One a Day
Vit D Supplement
Fish Oil
Vit C Supplement
Vit B-100 Complex

Lunch: 150 cals
Whey Protein Shake – Vanilla Cream
Unsweetened Almond Milk

Dinner: 512 cals
Chicken and Veggie Pizza
Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortilla

Snacks: 290 cals
Kashi Peanut Butter Granola Bar

45 mins Alternating incline on the treadmill. Speed 2.6 – 3.0 mph
Mowed the yard
Worked in the garden
Cleaned the garage out

Day 51 – Extra for Avocado – What??

Good Morning!!

Wow, yesterday was a long, but productive day. The day started with the routine transport the boy to school. Then to they YMCA. Was able to get a 2 hr work out in. Dedicated an hour to cardio (walking) and a hour to free weights. Next was a ‘healthy’ lunch with my adorable girl at Subway Restaurant.

Pardon me, but I am going to go on a rant about a subject. I noticed on the door of subway that they now offer Avocado as a topping on sandwiches. So when I ordered my veggie delight, and asked about Avocado. I was informed that I could have a 75 cent portion or a $1.50 portion. I was kinda taken back by the additional charge for a vegetable topping. After all I had ordered a vegetable sub. Oh well, I love avocado and it’s health benefits are amazing, so I paid the extra fee. I am somewhat disappointed that Subway, the fast food restaurant know for serving healthy food, is jumping on the band wagon and taking advantage of people trying to improve their health. I mean what would Jarred say? Would he support charging an additional fee for a healthy topping? Would they do not charge additional fees for mustard or mayonnaise. Well no of course they wouldn’t. Doesn’t seem right.

Anyway – After lunch, I had to run to Walmart for a few odds and ends. Finally made it home with only a half hour or so to get my son from school. Today was the last day of the year, so school dismissed 2 hours early. We all came home and finished planting the garden. After everything was planted, jumped in the shower and refreshed! Then off to baseball. I was recruited into pitching for the tball team. I know what your thinking, who needs a pitcher for tball. Well we do. We allow our kids to take 3 pitches before they have to use the tee. This is a great way to get them prepared for following years. After baseball it was off to grab dinner. Kids had subway again and I came home and prepared sour kroute and turkey hotdogs. Man it was good. I really enjoyed it. Got the kids bathed and finished up laundry. Finally was able to set and kinda relax at 2145. Wow that was 12 hours of non-stop action! I was so busy, I never once thought of food.



Day 49 – Still on track



Tuesday may 28, 2013

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 302.4 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 32.4 pounds


Breakfast: 272 cals
Double Protein Shake
Almond Milk

Lunch: 345 cals
Chicken Breast
Side Salad
Zesty Italian Dressing

Dinner: 400 cals
Wendy’s Ultimate Chicken Sandwich w/ Pickles
Apple Slices
Unsweetened Tea w/ Sweet & Low

Snacks: 327 cals
Fuji Apple
Peanut Butter
Sugar Snap Peas

Water – Lots of Water

Calorie Goal: 2030 cals
Calorie Intake: 1344 cals
Difference: 686 cals