What’s your excuse?

Good Morning.

It’s been awhile! I started this blog and weight loss journey on April 11,2013. The journey has been an adventure for sure. Over the last 7 months my weight as fluctuated, but my total weight loss as of today is 52.2 pounds. While that progress is commendable, I have plenty more to lose. I will be the first to admit I have fallen off the wagon. Now, I can come up with a million excuses, ranging from being to busy to just being tired, but when it really comes down to it I like fast food. My exercise hasn’t changed much, but my intake surely has. A busy life makes it difficult to eat correctly. It is much easier to drop into a McDonalds or Wendy’s for a quick sandwich. Quick is never good.

Excuses are the things we use to make ourself feel better about bad choices. I’m not a fan of the excuse. I am going to ownership of this failure and push forward. I am going to do my best to re-start my open book weight loss journey again.

Weight Today: 282.6 pound (WOW)
Weight Goal: 230 pounds

Day 61 – Up and Down

Good Morning!!

June 09,2013

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Today’s Weight: 295.2 pounds
Change: (-) 39.6 pounds
% Change: 11.8% Lost

**CLICK HERE** to view my daily food log and it’s nutritional values via MyFitnessPal.com.



FREE tool to catalog and track the nutritional values of the foods you eat. Available online, iPhone and Droid Applications.

Day 56 – House of Cards?

Good Morning!

It always amazes me how things that are not structured can stand on their own. A prime example, is a house of cards. They are easy to build, not much planning is required and they normally stand on their own for at least a short period of time. However, because of lack of foundation and support beams, all it takes a small gust of wind (any challenge) to make it topple down. Foundations and support beams are normally a slow and steady process. It takes time, experience and dedication to build a solid foundation and strong and competent support beams. I know from experience that when you do not take the time to build a solid foundation and train and retain a solid support beam structure, it’s only a matter of time before your house of cards will fall.

I have taken the steps to provide a solid foundation and structure for this weight loss project. I am remaining consistent and because of that consistency the weight continues to fall off. The path is not an easy one. The doors of temptation are always open, usually right in front of your face. I take pride in my choice to ignore the door and maintain on the path to a healthier life. The things that challenge us, will only make us stronger in the future.

If you are working in or on a house of cards, take the time to shore up the foundation. The extra time, blood, sweat and tears will be well worth it at the end. When you step back in the future and look where you came from, all that hard work will seem like a faint memory.

Keep up the fight!!



CHECK OUT my food diary via MyFitnessPal.com.

Click the link above and view my Food Diary for Tuesday June 4, 2013.

Hope everyone has a great day. Please leave me feedback!!

Share your story!!

Weight loss is a journey best traveled in pairs. Take a minute and share your tips, tricks and failures with everyone. Public support and social media is a free and easy way to stay motivated to achieve your goals.

Post your information to my Facebook Page – I BEAT ANOREXIA. .

Trying something new!

You may have noticed a new blog format. WordPress updated their iPad application and it’s is more user friendly. I am going to try different looks for the blog. Your feedback would be greatly apprciated. You can either comment on the blog or on my Facebook Page I BEAT ANOREXIA.

Day 36 – Not real sure how that happened! – Glad it did!! 27 Pounds Down!!

Good Morning!!

Sorry I missed yesterday’s blog entry. I was on the go the entire day yesterday and did not have access to wifi or the free second to record my entry. I started and was out the door yesterday am bright and early. Spend the entire day being re-certified on how to treat a trauma patient and then at the ball fields all evening for baseball until time for bed! It was truly and exhausting day.

I find that my weight loss and eating choices are challenged when I am unable to prepare my meals myself. Usually I can plan ahead and have thing ready for the day, however when you are not to keep foods cool, it is difficult to take perishables with you. Yesterday for lunch I had to rely on fast food. Fast food always makes me anxious. I try to use common sense and the applicaiton MyFitnessPal to help me make good educated choices. To top of the challenges for the day, yesterday was my daughters last day of school for the year. We always make a big deal of these special occasions and the big monuments in our kids lives. Because yesterday was her special day, she was given the chance to pick what / where we had dinner. She of course chose the most unhealthy restaurant in our area, Giovonni’s Pizza. Now don’t get me wrong I love their food, however it’s not the best health conscious dinning option. Oh well, time to exercise that self control that I have been developing. To top things off after 5pm it’s a pizza buffet. All you can eat pizza, while a Fat boys dream, it’s a dieters nightmare. As you can review in my food log, I ended up eating 4 pieces of pizza, which drove my fat intake through the roof. Not a good thing, however I still managed to lose 1.6 pounds over night. I guess my cautious and educated choices through the day helped give me some room to be a bit unhealthy for dinner. My daughter enjoyed herself and a had a great dinner. What is what is important, right. Balance is the key!!

Back on the wagon today – Healthy food and exercise. The YMCA is in my future and I am actually looking forward to the workout. I normally feel much better after I work on some of the FUNK!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 307.8 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 27 pounds
Total Weight Remaining: 37.8 Pounds

Breakfast: 195 cals
Fiber One Honey Squares
2% Milk
Coffee w/ Coconut Creamer

Lunch: 395 cals
Arby’s Regular Roast Beef
Apple Slices – No Dip
Unsweetened Tea w/ Sweet N Low

Dinner: 714 cals HIGH IN FAT
Pizza 4 Slices
Side Salad w/ Peas and Banana Peppers / Fat Free Italian Dressing

Snacks: 0 cals

Tons of Water!!

Day 34 – Steady she goes.

Good Morning!



Not a bad day again in the food department, with no weight loss and minimal gain (0.4 pound). I will keep my head up and to the grind stone. I will achieve this goal!!

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 310.4 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 24.4 pounds
Total Weight Remaining: 40.4 pounds

Breakfast: 260 cals
Protein Shake w/ 2% Milk

Lunch: 308 cals
Pork Loin
Side Salad w/ mushrooms, tomato & Zesty Italian Dressing
Low Fat Cottage Cheese w/ 2% Milk

Dinner: 480 cals
Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich w/ Pickle Only
Apple Slices (2 bags)

Snacks: 380 cals
Microwave Popcorn
Fiber Plus Fiber Bar

Tons of Water!!

Don’t forget you can choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution. The decision is up to. The People and the attitudes you associate with are also up to you. Don’t let individuals with poor habits and poor attitudes drag you down!

Take Control and STAND UP!!

Day 33 – Down 1 Pound

Good Morning!!



Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 310.0
Total Weight Loss: 24.8 pounds
Total Remaining: 40 Pounds

Breakfast: 260 cals
Protein Shake
2% Milk

Lunch: 452 cals
Tuna Salad
Salad w/ mushrooms & Bell Pepper
Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

Dinner:185 cals
Barilla Plus w/ Spaghetti Sauce

Snacks: 288 cals
Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Carmel Bar

All and all a good day in the food department. Lost a pound, so win win. Looks like I was a bit heavy in the carb department, but everything else was balanced.

Please continue to offer support and advise. I need all help I can get.

Hope everyone has a great day!!

“Act as if it were impossible to fail.” ~Dorothea Brande

Day 32 – Weight gained – Are you kidding me!!

Good Morning!!

Happy Mother’s Day!! I last my mother to diabetes 5 years ago. She will forever be in my thoughts and she is one of the many motivators for me to get healthy.



Not a bad day in the food department, however I still gained some weight. Who knows maybe there is something to be said about not getting enough rest. I had about 3 hours sleep in 48 hours Friday and Saturday. I finally got plenty of sleep last night, hopefully with a balanced diet I can drop a few more pounds this week. While today’s weigh in is a minor set back, I will not let it get me down. Keep on, keeping on!!

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 311.0
Total Weight Loss: 23.8 pounds
Total Remaining: 41 pounds to GO.

Breakfast: 275 cals
Egg Whites
Roma Tomato
Red Pepper
Black Pepper
Coconut Creamer

Lunch: 637 cals
*El Dorado Restaurant*
Grilled Chicken Breast
Chips & Salsa
Side Salad
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Dinner: 351 cals
Multi Grain Low Carb Tortilla
Pizza Sauce
Mozzarella Cheese
Roma Tomato
Red Hot Buffalo Wing Sauce
White Onion
Red Onion

Snacks: 377 cals
Fiber Plus Bar
Chocolate Peanut Butter Arctic Freeze
2% Milk
Chocolate Syrup

Total Suggested Calories: 2160
Total Calories Eaten: 1640
Remaining Calories: -520

Day 31 – One Month In and Down 25.4 Pounds

Good Morning.

Here I am a month into this epic journey. There have been up’s and there have been downs, but I remain encouraged and motivated to drop this weight like a bad habit. The last 24 hrs where interesting to say the least. I worked my EMS job and had a very busy day. The busy day was good for a few reasons, I was able to practice some skills that I hadn’t done in some time, I was moving a lot more and I had less time to eat. I am continually amazed that I rarely think about food. Before I was always planning the next meal. Now I avoid snacks and wait until I’m hungry. When I do eat, it doesn’t take long to fill me up. If this is how it’s supposed to feel, then I should have done this a long time ago. It’s AWESOME.

The down side of the 24 hour shift was I only slept about 3 hrs total last night. Oh well, on to other things. Weekend starts out with the normally scheduled stuff then I think this old boy will devote this after noon to some much needed rest. Now we will have to see if the kids agree and allow this to occur.

Here is Yesterday’s information (5-10-13 Friday)

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Today’s Weight: 309.4 pounds
Total Lost: 25.4 pounds
Total Remaining for goal: 39.4 Pounds

Breakfast: 190 cals
Protein Shake w/ Unsweetened Coconut Milk

Lunch: 385 cals
Subway 6″ Veggie Delight on Wheat NO CHEESE
Lays Baked BBQ Chips

Dinner: 275 cals
Subway 6″ Veggie Delight on Wheat NO CHEESE

Water & Coffee to Drink


Walked various inclines on the treadmill for 60 mins.

So as you can see all and all it was a great day in the food intake department. MyFitnessPal application warned that I did not take in enough calories and I was in danger of lowering my metabolism because my body would think I was in starvation zone. Well I would surely hope that my fat body would not think I was starving just because of one day of low intake. Trust me I have plenty to spare.

I have a few friends that are taking this journey with me. Some have started using MyFitnessPal smartphone application to help them track there food / caloric intake. Speaking solely for myself, I have came to depend on this application to help me make good food choices. It also tracks and trends my habits so I can look back and see the areas and the types of foods that I need to concentrate more or less on. I recommend this product. It’s free to sign up and use! Free is good! The application is available on droid and apple operating systems as well as the internet. Sign up and invite me as a friend. My User Name is: dustybainter.

Hope everyone has a great day!! Remember one step is one step farther than you went yesterday!

