What’s your excuse?

Good Morning.

It’s been awhile! I started this blog and weight loss journey on April 11,2013. The journey has been an adventure for sure. Over the last 7 months my weight as fluctuated, but my total weight loss as of today is 52.2 pounds. While that progress is commendable, I have plenty more to lose. I will be the first to admit I have fallen off the wagon. Now, I can come up with a million excuses, ranging from being to busy to just being tired, but when it really comes down to it I like fast food. My exercise hasn’t changed much, but my intake surely has. A busy life makes it difficult to eat correctly. It is much easier to drop into a McDonalds or Wendy’s for a quick sandwich. Quick is never good.

Excuses are the things we use to make ourself feel better about bad choices. I’m not a fan of the excuse. I am going to ownership of this failure and push forward. I am going to do my best to re-start my open book weight loss journey again.

Weight Today: 282.6 pound (WOW)
Weight Goal: 230 pounds

Day 143 – Weight Loss Challenge Results Are In!

Good Morning!!

Well the “Weight Loss Challenge” has finaly wrapped up. I didn’t win anything, but I sure did change a lot. Here are my starting and ending numbers. 10 weeks of continued work payed off.

Week 1 Numbers: Week 10 Numbers

Weight: 298 pounds Weight: 271.6 pounds
BMI: 36.6 BMI: 33
Total Body Fat: 31.3% Total Body Fat: 27.7%
Waist: 48 inches Waist: 42 inches
Arms: 14.5 inches Arms: 14.5 inches
Thighs: 24 inches Thighs: 24 inches

Pretty good numbers. I’m currently at 266 pounds. Still working my way down. Thanks for the support.

Goal #1 Achieved! Goal #2 Set!!

Good Morning.

It’s been a bit since I blogged. I am still hard at it and still putting 100% toward my goal of being healthy. Today however I have firmly achieved my first goal. I have been flirting with the 270# mark for a couple of weeks. I actually dropped below 270# at yesterday’s weigh in, butt not by much. Today the sales read 268.6 pounds!! I am pretty stoked. Time to start shooting for goal #2.

Time for an announcement: My next goal (#2) is to weigh 230 pounds. It would be awesome if I could achieve that by the first of the year, just not sure if it possible or not. So I am just going to shot for the goal and not get hung up in the time. Wish me luck!!

Look out 230 pounds, here I come!!

Day 122 – Is the motivation still there?


It’s been a few days since I logged an entry. I have had a million things going on in my personnel and professional lives. I will be the first to admit that I have somewhat lost sight of my weight loss goals. I can’t break 270 pounds and it’s driving me nuts. I have continued to lose at least 2 pounds a week, however I have been making some horrible food choices the last few weeks causing my weight to fluctuate. . I guess you could say that I am a stress eater. When the going gets tough, I head right for any unhealthy option placed in front of me. I guess the good thing that has came out of this last few weeks is that I haven’t gained and sustained weight . I have slacked off a bit on the gym. Not going as regularly as I was before. I have let small things and perceived exhaustion stand in the way. I am going to make the commitment to everyone today that, I’m back in the saddle. Back to holding building my will power and taking control of my life. I am going to change the things I can and let the rest fall to the side. I am going to concentrate on the important things like my health and my family and everything else will work it’s self out in the end. My wife is the rock that holds me together. She stands back and let’s me make my own mistakes and then picks me up and helps point me in the right direction. For that I will always be grateful.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

Day 114 – Social Media as a motivator?

Good Morning!!

A high school friend mentioned me and my weight loss journey in a Facebook post yesterday. She shared with me and her viewing public that she had been encouraged by my willingness to air all my dirty laundry regading my size and weight loss journey. She commended me on my “braveness”. I truly appreciate the comments and totally get what her point, however I’m not sure that “braveness” is the right word. I personnaly use this blog and facebook as a motivator to stay focused. It holds me accountable. If it serves as motivation for someone else then GREAT! Weight loss and getting healthy isn’t something that you can do all on your own. You need support from all the people around you. It is extremely difficult to change your lifestyle unless ALL the people you live with change theirs too. Everyone has to be on board. Mistakes happen and we all fall of the wagon from time to time. The key is, picking yourself up and getting back on. Remember you didn’t get fat overnight and you will not get healthy overnight. It’s a lifetime of changes!! Re-Train the brain.

I appreciate all your comments. Please continue to follow my Facebook Page I BEAT ANOREXIA . The Facebook page is a safe place to share your story, recipes and motivational stories.

Day 113 – 4 oz to my first goal. 4 oz’s are you kidding me?

Good Morning!!

I know it’s been away since I posted anything in the blog. I have been a very busy boy. The summer always gives you plenty of chances to be active. Days off from work are filled with mowing the lawn, tending the garden, baseball practices, pools and chasing kids. The weight continues to come off! Almost to goal #1 – Ready to set and start working toward goal #2 – 230 pounds. Wish me luck.

Hope Everyone has a great day.

STARTING WEIGHT:334.8 pounds
TODAYS WEIGHT:270.4 pounds
WEIGHT LOSS:64.4 pounds 🙂



Day 105 – Not even an ounce!!

Good Morning!!

Well I arose with much anticipation of what the scales would say this morning. Would it reflect my day of hard work and record steps? Well not so much. My weight was exactly the same. Didn’t even budge and ounce! Kinda funny huh? Maybe I didn’t eat enough of the right foods yesterday? Who knows, adapt and overcome. My old body sure felt the workout the last couple of days. I think the garden work may have just about done me in. My legs are so sore I can barely set on the toilet!! Again, adapt and overcome. Back to the real world today – Vacation is officially OVER :-(.

Today is weigh in day at the hospital for the Weight Challenge. Rumor has it they will be re-measuring today as well. Kinda excited to see the changes in measurements. I can tell that things have gotten small. Had to put another hole in the old EMS belt this morning. Getting closer to my primary goal, then it’s time for new cloths.


STARTING WEIGHT: 334.8 pounds
TODAYS WEIGHT: 273.4 pounds AGAIN 😦
WEIGHT LOSS: 62.4 pounds



Hope everyone has a great day!!

Day 104 – Gained a pound!

Good Morning!!

Scales said I gained a pound over night. Hoping it was a pound of muscle! I worked out pretty hard at the gym yesterday with weights. Feeling a bit sore this morning. Heading out soon to hit the weights again!


**CLICK HERE** to be re-directed to myfitnesspal food and nutrional diary.




Hope everyone has a great day.

Day 103 – Closer to the goal! 62.4 Pounds Down!!

Good Morning!!

One day and a pound closer to my goal. At the start of this adventure 103 days ago, I honestly didn’t think I would stick with this healthy lifestyle. I figured it would end up just like every time before and I would lose interest and fall back into unhealthy choices and a unhealthy lifestyle. This time is truly different. I really think that keeping my thoughts in this blog and allowing the world to see all my dirty laundry has given me the motivation I need to keep going and keep working hard toward my goals. My amazing family has been a big help too. In past adventures in weight loss the family support was the missing key. Now by support, I don’t mean just talk. I mean they are making changes too, which allow my changes to become permanent habits. Let’s face it, “diets” don’t work. The second you stop “dieting”, all the weight starts to come back. We have made a radical 360 degree lifestyle change around the house and that is the key to my success to this point. Being healthy has to be everyone in your house’s daily goal. Being healthy isn’t a fad, it has to be everyone’s reality!!

Thanks for the support and comments – Keep them coming. Please follow my Facebook Page – “I BEAT ANOREXIA” . Remember the page is an interactive page. Feel free to leave tips, stories, receipts or notes of encouragement.

SUNDAY JULY 21, 2013

**CLICK HERE** for Sunday’ complete and detailed food and nutritional log.

