Day 51 – Extra for Avocado – What??

Good Morning!!

Wow, yesterday was a long, but productive day. The day started with the routine transport the boy to school. Then to they YMCA. Was able to get a 2 hr work out in. Dedicated an hour to cardio (walking) and a hour to free weights. Next was a ‘healthy’ lunch with my adorable girl at Subway Restaurant.

Pardon me, but I am going to go on a rant about a subject. I noticed on the door of subway that they now offer Avocado as a topping on sandwiches. So when I ordered my veggie delight, and asked about Avocado. I was informed that I could have a 75 cent portion or a $1.50 portion. I was kinda taken back by the additional charge for a vegetable topping. After all I had ordered a vegetable sub. Oh well, I love avocado and it’s health benefits are amazing, so I paid the extra fee. I am somewhat disappointed that Subway, the fast food restaurant know for serving healthy food, is jumping on the band wagon and taking advantage of people trying to improve their health. I mean what would Jarred say? Would he support charging an additional fee for a healthy topping? Would they do not charge additional fees for mustard or mayonnaise. Well no of course they wouldn’t. Doesn’t seem right.

Anyway – After lunch, I had to run to Walmart for a few odds and ends. Finally made it home with only a half hour or so to get my son from school. Today was the last day of the year, so school dismissed 2 hours early. We all came home and finished planting the garden. After everything was planted, jumped in the shower and refreshed! Then off to baseball. I was recruited into pitching for the tball team. I know what your thinking, who needs a pitcher for tball. Well we do. We allow our kids to take 3 pitches before they have to use the tee. This is a great way to get them prepared for following years. After baseball it was off to grab dinner. Kids had subway again and I came home and prepared sour kroute and turkey hotdogs. Man it was good. I really enjoyed it. Got the kids bathed and finished up laundry. Finally was able to set and kinda relax at 2145. Wow that was 12 hours of non-stop action! I was so busy, I never once thought of food.



Day 50 – I did it!!

Good Morning – Oh wait, it’s a GREAT Morning!!

Goals are the things that keep us focused. By definition alone it gives us level to reach for. My BIG Goal (no pun intended) was to get myself to 270 pounds. That is a 60 pound weight loss. I recognized pretty quickly that losing 60 pounds wasn’t going to happen overnight. So I decided keep my large goal, and set smaller, more achievable goals. One of those small goals was to get under 300 pounds. Well it’s official – I HAVE DONE IT!!

Much to my surprise this morning the scales praised my will power and sore muscles with a 298.8 pound weigh in. Success and achieving a goal feels GREAT. This was all my doing, however I also want to thank everyone for helping me out! Huge thanks to my adorable wife. Without her motivation and support this first goal would not have been possible. It always helps to have a cheerleader in your corner.

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Today Weight: 298.8 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 36 pounds



Wednesday May 29, 2013

Breakfast: 380 cals
Protein Shake w/ 2% Milk (Double)

Lunch: 285 cals
Gilled Chicken Breast
Red Bell Peppers

Dinner: 260 cals
Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Go Wrap
Apple Slices
UnSweet Tea

Snacks: 235 cals
Sugar Snap Peas

Water Water Water!!

Calorie Goal: 2030 cals
Caloric Intake: 1160 cals
Difference: -870 cals

Day 49 – Still on track



Tuesday may 28, 2013

Starting Weight: 334.8 pounds
Goal Weight: 270 pounds
Weight Today: 302.4 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 32.4 pounds


Breakfast: 272 cals
Double Protein Shake
Almond Milk

Lunch: 345 cals
Chicken Breast
Side Salad
Zesty Italian Dressing

Dinner: 400 cals
Wendy’s Ultimate Chicken Sandwich w/ Pickles
Apple Slices
Unsweetened Tea w/ Sweet & Low

Snacks: 327 cals
Fuji Apple
Peanut Butter
Sugar Snap Peas

Water – Lots of Water

Calorie Goal: 2030 cals
Calorie Intake: 1344 cals
Difference: 686 cals

American’s top 10 Fast Food Restaurants

Found a website that listed these fast food restaurants as the top 10 Healthy places to grab a quick meal in the United States.

1. Panera
2. Jason’s Deli
3. Au Bon Pain
4. Noodles and Company
5. Corner Bakery Cafe
6. Chipotle – I was surprised by this one. Guess you can make it healthy with the right choices.
7. Atlanta Bread
8. McDonald’s – Snack Raps
9. Einstein Bagels
10. Taco Del Mar

Unfortunately there are only a few of the listed restaurants anywhere near me. Looks like cooking at home it is!

4 Simple Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the most important aspect in effective weight loss. Years of poor choices, un-healthy activities and lets face it age, all contribute to the progressive slowing of our metabolism. While we can not do anything about our age, we can alter our habits and life style.

Here are some tips to help boost your metabolism.

1. MOVE – Get up and move your body. Walk every chance you can!

2. EAT – There is a misconception that when you are looking at loosing weight you need to starve yourself. The opposite is true. The body needs food to fuel the machine.

3. AVOID – Stay away from high calorie foods, drinks that contain sugar, Fast Food and sadly alcoholic beverages.

4. DRINK – Water and lots of it. Water is key to helping flush toxins and bad things out of cells and your system.

Eat less than you burn, follow these simple steps and the pounds will fall off. Use the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

Eat Every Three – “Re-Train the Brain”

I am not sure where I first heard this but the three hour diet works. The premise is pretty simple, eat something every 3 hours, keep yourself full, increase your metabolism and lose weight.

Here are the tips listed on a very informative website =

Think of it as a lifestyle

The word “diet” has a negative connotation. No one likes to be on a diet. Diet to me means being deprived and restricted in the things you eat. I am finding that the key to a healthy lifestyle and losing weight, is making better choices. It is no longer, “I can’t have that”, it more like “is that worth eating”. Working out and exercising is hard! Why would I want to toss away hours of sore muscles and sweat away on a fatting cheeseburger. I try to always remind myself, that I didn’t get fat overnight and I can’t expect to get healthy over night. suggests that you think about this strategy as a lifestyle. Make eating 5-6 meals a day a habit that you can’t see yourself doing without.

Start with achievable short term goals.

All to often when people start looking at losing weight and using the evil word “Diet” and we want it ALL, NOW. This is a society issue. Americans have became accustomed to instance gratification. In health, weight and all other aspects of life, anything that comes easy usually isn’t worth it. Slow and steady is the key.

It is a good idea to set short term ACHIEVABLE goals. The realistic short term goals allow you to succeed and experience the positive feelings of success. Set goals that with hard work, you can easily achieve. Then set the next goal. The key is not stopping and keeping it moving! In the words of a great band “DON’T STOP BELIEVING”.

Give it TIME to create a habit.

Who has time for 6 meals a day? This is the question that I get when I mention eating every 3 hours. My response is usually, with the proper planning, EVERYONE has the time. If you think about your day, look at how much time you waste. The long shower, setting in front of the tv staring blankly, relaxing on the porch swing, all of these are time wasted. If you would just cut a few minutes off all your sedentary activities, you would have plenty of time to prepare meals. It is a good idea to prepare / freeze multiple meals to be used for a meal variety during the week.

Habits while difficult to form, however they become easier and easier as the time passes.

Routine, Routine, Routine

Routines make us the people that we are. Some people think they are against any type of routine, but if you really examine you life, we all have routines. Maybe it’s how you get out of bed in the morning, how you make your breakfast or how we deal with our drive to work, we all have routines. After all it’s human nature. We also have food routines. Normally we are victims to our surroundings in regards to our food routine. We do however HAVE the ability to change and choose a better, healthier routine. Establishing a new healthier routine is essential to transitioning to better, healthier you.

Those you that know me can attest that I am very suck in my ways. I a very routine driven person. When I am forced to stray from my routine, I can become quite anxious. Some of my routines are the un-healthy kind. Those routines would at times steer me down the wrong path, and allow me to make poor food choices. The un-healthy routines are the one’s that I am changing. Time to re-train the brain and make good choices.

Be flexible, Sh$$ happens

Things happen. Life, birthdays, special occasion and at times cravings. I am a firm believer that you should never deprive yourself. If you have a craving for a piece of pizza or a cheeseburger, while those are not the best choices, have at it. If you consistently deprive yourself, there will come a day when you snap and take out an entire pizza. If you make an educated informed choice and still choose to have the bad food, then you need to be prepared to live with the consequences. Moderation is the key!

Don’t listen to the naysayers.

There are hundreds of companies out there trying to make a quick buck on a society of FAT people. They will try to sell you every new fad diet and diet pill under the promise of making you skinny and healthy in no time flat. These “FAD DIETS” do not work. I have found that the formula is pretty simple. Eat less then you burn. Move more than you set. There is no “magic” pill or food that will make the fat melt off.

Eat Every Three – “Re-Train the Brain”

I am not sure where I first heard this but the three hour diet works. The premise is pretty simple, eat something every 3 hours, keep yourself full, increase your metabolism and lose weight.

Here are the tips listed on a very informative website =

Think of it as a lifestyle

The word “diet” has a negative connotation. No one likes to be on a diet. Diet to me means being deprived and restricted in the things you eat. I am finding that the key to a healthy lifestyle and losing weight, is making better choices. It is no longer, “I can’t have that”, it more like “is that worth eating”. Working out and exercising is hard! Why would I want to toss away hours of sore muscles and sweat away on a fatting cheeseburger. I try to always remind myself, that I didn’t get fat overnight and I can’t expect to get healthy over night.

EatEveryThree.comsuggests that you think about this strategy as a lifestyle. Make eating 5-6 meals a day a habit that you can’t see yourself doing without.

Start with achievable short term goals.

All to often when people start looking at losing weight and using the evil word “Diet” and we want it ALL, NOW. This is a society issue. Americans have became accustomed to instance gratification. In health, weight and all other aspects of life, anything that comes easy usually isn’t worth it. Slow and steady is the key.

It is a good idea to set short term ACHIEVABLE goals. The realistic short term goals allow you to succeed and experience the positive feelings of success. Set goals that with hard work, you can easily achieve. Then set the next goal. The key is not stopping and keeping it moving! In the words of a great band “DON’T STOP BELIEVING”.

Give it TIME to create a habit.

Who has time for 6 meals a day? This is the question that I get when I mention eating every 3 hours. My response is usually, with the proper planning, EVERYONE has the time. If you think about your day, look at how much time you waste. The long shower, setting in front of the tv staring blankly, relaxing on the porch swing, all of these are time wasted. If you would just cut a few minutes off all your sedentary activities, you would have plenty of time to prepare meals. It is a good idea to prepare / freeze multiple meals to be used for a meal variety during the week.

Habits while difficult to form, however they become easier and easier as the time passes.

Routine, Routine, Routine

Routines make us the people that we are. Some people think they are against any type of routine, but if you really examine you life, we all have routines. Maybe it’s how you get out of bed in the morning, how you make your breakfast or how we deal with our drive to work, we all have routines. After all it’s human nature. We also have food routines. Normally we are victims to our surroundings in regards to our food routine. We do however HAVE the ability to change and choose a better, healthier routine. Establishing a new healthier routine is essential to transitioning to better, healthier you.

Those you that know me can attest that I am very suck in my ways. I a very routine driven person. When I am forced to stray from my routine, I can become quite anxious. Some of my routines are the un-healthy kind. Those routines would at times steer me down the wrong path, and allow me to make poor food choices. The un-healthy routines are the one’s that I am changing. Time to re-train the brain and make good choices.

Be flexible, Sh$$ happens

Things happen. Life, birthdays, special occasion and at times cravings. I am a firm believer that you should never deprive yourself. If you have a craving for a piece of pizza or a cheeseburger, while those are not the best choices, have at it. If you consistently deprive yourself, there will come a day when you snap and take out an entire pizza. If you make an educated informed choice and still choose to have the bad food, then you need to be prepared to live with the consequences. Moderation is the key!

Don’t listen to the naysayers.

There are hundreds of companies out there trying to make a quick buck on a society of FAT people. They will try to sell you every new fad diet and diet pill under the promise of making you skinny and healthy in no time flat. These “FAD DIETS” do not work. I have found that the formula is pretty simple. Eat less then you burn. Move more than you set. There is no “magic” pill or food that will make the fat melt off.

Day 48 – 1.8 pounds GONE – Back on Track!

Good Morning !!

Well the scales are finally cooperating today. Had a great day eating yesterday and I think my body is trying to fix all the sore muscles so it is burning more calories. Love it when the scales show and reward me for sacrifice. Like I have said many times, my job is very sedentary. I sit for 12 hours and exercise my brain. This is both good and bad. The bad part is lack of movement, the good is the lack of access to bad foods. I am usually limited to the food I pack. As long as I prepare, and make good choices my day is filled with healthy foods.

I hope everyone has a good day.

“Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.” ~Raymond Lindquist



Monday May 27,2013

Breakfast: 190 cals
Whey Protein Cookies n Cream
Almond Milk

Lunch: 436 cals
Red Bell Pepper
Albacore White Tuna
Miracle Whip w/ EVOO
Fat Free Yoplait Yogurt

Dinner: 379 cals
Grilled Chicken
Montgomery Inn BBQ Sauce
Side Salad
Italian Dress (Olive Garden)

Snacks: 190 cals
Sugar Peas
Super Hummus – Original
Fiber Powder
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar

Lots of WATER!!

Looking forward to a another good weight loss today!!

Goals – Are they achievable?

Goals, easy to set, easy to come up with, hard to keep. We have all done it, made an un-realistic goal and never followed through. I have done it far to many times. The trick they say it to set achievable goals. The achievable ones allow you succeed and then re-evalutate. My weight goal at the start of this journey was 270lbs. I know that one is achievable, but along the way I want to set smaller quicker goals. You know to keep my interest peaked.

Case in point, I am so close to 300 pounds I can smell it. That is my small goal for the week, power though and break the 300 pound barrier. Can it be done? Hell yes. I have never been so determined.

Day 47 – Ouch – 1.8 pounds gained

Good Morning

Back at the grind – stone. Had an awesome family weekend! We don’t get those times often enough. I am pretty proud of myself and my willpower this temptation filled weekend. While I did give in to a few “bad” things, and my weight did fluctuate, all in all it was a great weekend!
I really had to fight off the need or want I guess for some really bad things. Things could have been much worse than 1.8 pounds gained.

Ouch is the word of the morning!! I am still a bit sore from the Saturday Caveman training. Neck, arms and abs. Abs, who knew I had them. They have been hiding under the insulation for so many years, I had kind of forgot about them. The caveman circuit has woke them up and are reminding me they are there today. Lmao. I also got some sun yesterday at the ball game. We started the game in jeans and fleece coats because it was so cool and ended up sweating and longing for a nice breeze. Ohio weather cracks me up! It ended up being a great day for a ball game. I was disappointed that the the Reds lost in extra innings, but it was a great day at the ballpark with the family. I think everyone had a great time.



Sunday May 26,2013

Breakfast: 300 cals
Protein Shake (Double)
Almond Milk

Lunch: 321 cals
All Beef Hot Dog – Stadium w/ Sour Crout

Dinner: 500 cals
iHop – Simple & Fit Grilled Balsamic – Glazed Chicken
Side Salad w/ Light Italian Dressing
BBQ Sauce

Snacks: 480 cals
Salted Peanuts in the Shell

Suggested Caloric Intake: 2030 calories
Daily Intake: 1601 calories