Can Water be BAD for you?

Water is a good thing right. I mean the experts say; Drink 12 oz of water before a meal to help with digestion and to make you feel full faster, Drink Water – Thirst mimics hunger, Drink Water – It will help flush toxins. Well while all those tips are correct, TOO MUCH water can have adverse effects on the body. An over abundance of water, causes the Potassium (Hypokalemia) and Sodium (Hyponatremia) to be flushed out cells. Both of these nutrients are vital elements to Cell functions. So just like most everything else, too much of anything is bad for you.

Check this article out:

Water BAD?

What the experts have for breakfast

It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast sets your body up and gets your metabolism in gear. I love breakfast, the key is to eat the right kind of breakfast. It is easy to grab a bowl of high sugar cereal in the am or even worse swing through a fast food restaurant. High sugar / High Fat breakfasts will only leave you being hungry in a short period of time. Here are a few easy suggestions. My advise plan ahead!!

Breakfast Tips from the Experts – Huffington Post

Day 4 – 329.4 = 59.4lbs to go!

Day 4 – Down 5.4 pounds. Not a bad start considering that all I am doing is changing eating habits. My workout or lack of workout routine really hasn’t changed much. For some reason I have zero energy. I really can’t put my finger on the cause. I guess it could be a few thing, laziness, lack of caffeine, lack of food, who knows for sure. I am sure ready for this energy boost I have been reading and hearing about. Part of it could be the cold grey weather here too. Even though I do no like hot summer weather, I really do believe that the sunshine helps build your sprits and increases your motivation. I enjoy yard work. I like to take a yard that looks unkept and work it back in beauty. I enjoy the look and the pride it gives me. Of course today when the weather is going to be awesome, I am stuck at work. Oh well, I get to it soon.