Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies

Found a recipe using Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookies. Looks pretty good. I am going to have to give it a try.

Nutrional Value:
Servings: 2 cookies

Calories 140 Sodium 60 mg
Total Fat 7 g Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 3 g Total Carbs 20 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 1 g
Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 7 g
Trans 0 g Protein 1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Vitamin A 0% Calcium 0%
Vitamin C 0% Iron 8%


IT’S LUNCH TIME!! How Many Calories Should You Eat In a Day?


In life to achieve anything and to solve any problem, you need information. Information is the key, it makes the world go round. I wondered what my daily caloric intake should be. With the accessiablity of the internet these days, there are utterly millions of ways to find that informtion. Good News!! I did the search for you. I personally use the Iphone application and MyNetDairy, but I stumbbled accross one at Freedieting.com.

Put your information in and get the information needed to make informed choices.

Here is mine!!


Need more protein in your diet?

While watching fat, calories and all the bad things in my diet, I have noticed that I routinely come up short in the protein department. Short of drinking protein shakes all day, I asked my friends for advise. A good friend suggested Quinoa. If you are anything like me, you have no idea what that is. I had never heard of such a thing. I went to other good friend google and asked some questions.

Here is the run down:

Nutritional Values:

Serving Size: 185g – or less than a cup (a cup is 250g)
Calories: 222 calories
Total Fat: 4g
Sodium: 13mg
Total Carbs: 39g
Fiber: 5g
Protein: 8g
Calcium: 3%
Iron: 15%

So as you can see like most everything else it has it’s good and bad. The serving size is pretty small so more than likely I would need two (2) servings. This is one that you would have to weigh the benefits vs the high caloric and carbohydrate value.



America – Why do we eat SO MUCH, SO FAST?

In today’s society, we are always running and trying to beat the clock. We rarely take the time to be nice to our fellow citizens, little lone time to take care of ourselves. There are times when we need to slow down and take a minute to enjoy life. In the game of life no one gets out alive.

This fast pace has bleed over to our meals as well. When we eat fast, be tend to eat a larger quaintly of food. More food equals more calories. Studies have shown that eating fast leads to great instances of obesity.

Check Out this Video: I found it funny!

Why Do American’s Eat So MUCH so FAST?

There are many benefits to eating slow and deliberately:

* Lose Weight: Studies show that just by eating slower along, you consume fewer calories.
If you think about it, makes perfect sense. Now, I am kinda skeptical on this one, but some
some studies suggest that you can lose 20lbs a year, just by eating slower. You read that
right, solely by eating slower. They say that if you eat fast, you will continue to eat past the
point of being full. Your brain – the all powerful thing that it is – can not recognize that you
are no longer hungry until it’s too late.

* Enjoy you food: This is the suggestion that hits home with me. I will admit, I LOVE FOOD. I
Love the taste, texture and the dopamine release that food provides. You know when those
rare times that you allow temptation to overtake your mind, body and mouth and you give
into the “DEVIL FOODS”, you might as well slow down and enjoy every minute of them.
Food is important part of existence. Might as well enjoy it.

* Better Digestion: This is a common sense one. Digestion starts in your mouth. The enzymes
in you saliva starts the breakdown of foods. Plus your teeth crush, smash and prepare the food for the gut to finish the process off. Getting slower provides more saliva and greater
break down of food.

* Less Stress: Again, eating is a process that we have to participate in to maintain life.
take this time to slow down and think things through, or just space out.

Day 11 – 321.8 – 51.8 to go.

Good morning.

Again today when I jumped on the scales he read back the same number as yesterday. I can take this one of two ways, Good because I haven’t gained any weight, or BAD because I haven’t lost anymore. Maybe this the plateau that everyone always talks about. I am not going to be discouraged and going to keep moving forward. I have consitantly been eating less calories than the app MyNetDairy.com has recommended. I am concerned that my body thinks it’s starving. If that’s the case then my body, must be blind. Trust me I am years away from starvation!! I am going to start attempting to get close to the daily caloric intake recommened by MyNetDiary.com, and see if I notice any difference. I am concerned that I may gain a few pounds back. I am going to tell my self that this “fluctuation” of weight is a normal process of long term weight loss.

Here is EVERYTHING I ate yesterday:/

MyNetDiary.com Information

Breakfast: 494 calories
Protein Shake w/ 2% milk

Lunch: 276 calories
Low Sodium Chunk Tuna
Miracle Whip Dressing
Red Bell Pepper
Honey Crisp Apple

Dinner: 330 cals
Chicken Breast
Montgomery Inn BBQ Sauce

Snacks: 294 calories
Brazil Nuts
Cottage Cheese
Celery Raw

Total Calories for the 24 hr period = 1394
Total Calories Recommend by MyNetDairy.com= 2734
Calories remaining to recommendation = 1340 –

I am taking this as I was 1340 calories short of the recommended caloric intake for the day. Maybe this is why my metabolism has stalled.

*Note to all of you faithful followers: If you see ANYTHING that you think I’m doing wrong, or if you have any tips or suggestions to help me get these pounds off, please COMMENT. If I knew what to do, I wouldn’t be FAT. Help a brother out.