Day 2 – 334.8 lbs – 64.8 lbs to Lose

Good Morning –


Weight: 334.8 – On the road to weight loss.
Goal: 270#

Thanks for the encouragement so far!!

Day one in the books. Feel pretty good today. I tad bit sore I guess, but nothing that I can’t tolerate. Yesterday’s food intake was good – Low calorie and I didn’t feel hungry. After the kids went to bed, normally I would grab a bowl of cereal and watch tv. I really had to coach myself, but I stayed away from the cereal and had a big glass of H2O. Step one is admitting you have a problem! I guess step #2 must be doing something about the problem.

Have a busy day, as most Friday’s. Have to shuffle kid to school – gym – Lunch – kid #2 to school – Grocery Store to get some healthy foods for this change in life style – Kid #2 from school – Kid #3 from school – Dinner than bed. Never seems like enough hours in the day. I keep telling myself that things will relax a bit next school year when both kids will go to the same school at the same time, but I just don’t know. I am guessing that I will find other things to occupy my time.

You will probably notice that I am trying not use the word “Diet”. Diet to me is a negative term. I want to change the way and things I eat forever. I started using app MyNetDiary in Jan 2011 – At that time I weighed 315lbs. As you can see, my weight is like a roller-coaster.


Guess who has two thumbs and forgot to Pre-medicate this morning and is really feeling it right about now. That’s right this guy!

Been a busy morning as expected. Just had lunch with my beautiful daughter. I was good boy. Our usually Friday lunch is either the Pizza Buffet or the Chinese Buffet. Today we opted for Subway. Hell if Jarred can do it, so can I !! I was really hungry. Hunger can cause you to make back choices. I fought of the demons and had a turkey salad and a bottle of water. I filled up quickly, didn’t even finish the entire salad. Now headed to the grocery on a full stomach!

Calorie Intake So Far

468 calories


Finally able to set down and enjoy a bit of relaxation. This old body is tired!! Fridays are never ending. There is always somewhere to be and something to be doing. I have not really been hungry today. I have been drinking a bunch of water. A good friend of mine is drinking this liver cleansing drink. Swears it is helping her lose belly fat. I thought I would give it a shot. The recipe consists of: Cucumber-Lemon & Mint soaked in water. You just refill the glass during the day and enjoy the water. I had a difficult time finding mint, so I am doing an abbreviated version. If you like cucumber (which I do) it tastes pretty good. It takes away the boring old water taste.

Kids are getting along tonight, which is always a plus. Friday is eat out night in this house. If the kids are good at school all week, they get to pick where they eat dinner on Friday night. We use this as kind of a reward for good behavior. Now, some would say that using food as a reward will cause bad habits as an adult. Who really knows that for sure. So if that your outlook, sorry! Well anyway, the kids picked McDonald’s. Needless to say there isn’t much at McDonalds that dad wanted to eat. We got McD to go, and I came home and fixed me a small portion of spaghetti. I am not sure what the deal is but I have a daily craving for spaghetti. I used whole wheat spaghetti and avoided cheese! It really didn’t fill me up! I am however going to drink my water and avoid anymore food this evening.

Total Calorie Intake: 1033

This app I use to track my food also give me a run down of the amount of vitamins and nutritional values of food. A couple of negatives it has pointed out – Not enough fiber & too much sodium. Says that today alone, I consumed 3,697 mg of sodium. It says that I should keep my sodium intake between 1,500 – 2,300. The thing that got me today was the Salad Dressing – Kraft Fat Free Light. I assumed that being light the dressing was the better choice for me. Guess I was wrong. Looks like I need to learn how to read nutritional labels.

Hope everyone has a great night and a exciting weekend.