Re-Boot your Metabolism

Re-Boot Your Metabolism – Dr Oz

They say lose 20 pounds in 28 days and re-boot your metabolism. Shut down and restart – sounds like any IT answer to any computer problem known to man, but I think I’m going to give it start. Gonna take a trip to the grocery story. Saturday will be the start day of the re-boot.

Have to start somewhere.

Today was day #1 off work this week. I will have to say that if it was not for my motivator (wife), I would have bypassed the gym all together today. I woke up feeling as if a mack truck had ran over me while sleeping. She had planted the idea last night before bed about going to the gym this morning. I was hoping that she forgot it. She is one to sleep in, not today NO, she was wide awake and even had breakfast. Another thing that is not normal. I had my semi usual breakfast of an egg white ham and cheese omelet and coffee. We got all our daily tasks completed and off to the gym.

The local YMCA was pretty busy for a Thursday with rain. On one had I was surprised, then on the other, I remembered that swim suit season is around the corner and everyone is trying to work off he winter weight gain. I started on the treadmill. I walked about 3 miles on a flat incline at a steady 2.8 mph pace. That pace was a slight challenge and gave me a good sweat. I stopped because the old trick knee was starting to bark. I have to watch ole lefty. I then moved to the free weights. I stayed over there “pumping iron” for about 30 minutes. I finished with a stationary bike. Gonna be a bit sore in the am.

A wise medical professional in my life, suggested that I premedicate prior to heading to the gym to keep the old knee from causing too much discomfort. Well, I’m guessing she had a great idea, because I did as I was instructed and have little to no knee pain this evening. Praise Jesus.

Here is the Iphone Application that I am using to track my calories consumed.

Well here’s the stats for this evening;

Weight: 334lbs
Calories Consumed: 1012

Not bad for day #1 – This is a marathon, not a sprint!!

I beat anorexia


Seriously. I have never had anorexia, just a poor attempt at being funny. I have always been described as ‘huskey’. Huskey is the term that parent’s place on their fat kids to keep from giving them a complex. I was always the “big kid” in the class. I used that tolerance to allow myself to always be the “big guy”. No one ever called me fat (to my face at least) and I was never in any altercations. I think my size keep people from messing with me. While I’m still ok with being the large man on campus, I do want to make sure that I’m healthy enough to see my kids grow into adults and hopefully have grand children some day.

Let’s start out with a description;

Today I’m 36 years old, 6’4″ and 334 lbs. BMI 40.1. Yep that’s right 334lbs. Morbidly Obese!! I have NEVER been that big. I have a adorable, simply amazing wife. She is more than this guy could have every wished for. She has always supported me and never once said anything negative about my size. If the truth was known, I think she has always liked my warmth and protection. I have 2 great kids. They are kids and say the things that kids say. I know they mean no harm, but they too have noticed that there is more of me. I want them to be proud of the man they call “dad”, and be around to spoil there children.

My take on the problem;

I LIKE FOOD. I am a board eater. If I have something to keep me busy, food is the last thing on my mind. Now the bad part. I have a sediatary occupation. I sit for 12 hrs / 3 times a week. I can use any excuse – kids, job, responsiblities, but when it comes down to it, motivation is the problem.

My take on the soulution;

Eat better foods – Why do you think foods that are better for you, cost more? People taking advantage of over weight america? The cheap good tasting bad foods are the reason we are all obese.

Excerise more – I need to get up and move more. I am trying to figure out which is more important; Sleep or excercise. Almost not enough time in the day.

Drink more Water – I need to drop soda all together.

Maintain Motivation – this is where everyone will need to help. Keep you eye on me. Hold me accountable. If you see me doing something or eating something not good for me – call me out. Put the spot light on me.

Dr Oz – Metabolism Re-Boot

Thanks in advance for all you help.