Mushroom a meat substitute help with weight loss?

This article from Medical News Today, suggests that mearly substituting mushrooms in receipe’s that call for meat with help you lose more weight. The idea is simple, I suppose, but I have never thought about it. Part of the re-programing challenge is changing the way we look at food. Food when used correctly can be our friend!

Day 15 – 319.8 -15 Pounds GONE – 49.8 to go.

Good Morning!!

Fifteen days into this journey and there has been so many up’s and down’s already. I remain encouraged, which is far better than it has been in past attempts to get this weight off. I think this blog, the encouragement of my family and friends has help tremendously. My entire family (kids) included have started making healthier choices, which helps also. I think that the impending warmer weather is also a good motivator. I am starting to like the way I feel. I sleep better and have a better more encouraging outlook on the day.

Slept pretty well again last night. I had about 9.5 hours of pretty much continuous sleep. I of course had the obligatory bathroom wake up calls a couple of times during the night, but all and all it was a solid sleep.

Today is the ‘easy’ day around here, like there is such a thing. Not many obligations. Run our kid to school, hit the Y for cardio, then straighten up the house until it’s time to get the kid from school. If the mood strikes me, I may try to catch a nap this afternoon! Lord willing. If the tempature warms at all today, this evening will be devoted to yard work. Mother Nature has decided that she isn’t done with winter here in OHIO.

Here’s my numbers:

MyNetDairy Information
Calories Suggested: 2734
Calories Ingested: 2151

So I stayed below the caloric intake suggested by and still lost some weight. The difference may have came from the YMCA workout yesterday.