Beyond BMI – A better way to measure your health!!

I found this article form the Cleveland Clinic . It says that BMI calculations that everyone has put so much faith in over the last few years, may not be as accurate or reliable as once thought. As we are steadily learning, muscle mass is included in your “weight” number. However the amount of fat in your body is the determining factor in poor health. BMI does not account for the amount of muscle gained while working out. It only looks at your weight number. The article Beyond BMI – A better way to measure your health. suggests that you take your height measurements in inches (Me: 72inches) divide it half (Mine: 36inches) and your waist measurement should remain below that number. They think this a more reliable gage of health.

Guess I have to rush home and measure my waist!! One thing is for certain, It has been many years since I was a 36 waist!!

I always thought that your waist was where your jeans set. Your pants size, well if you are below the age of 50, you probally don’t wear your pants up to your ‘official’ waist. I know I don’t. I currently wear a size 44 pants, and I can assure that after I measure, my ‘official’ waist will be higher.

Just in case you are not totally sure “how” to measure your waist, watch this quick video:

“How to Measure Your Waist”

Happy Measuring!!

I will start adding that measurement in my daily blog.


Day 13 – 320.6 – 14.2 pound worked off – 50.6 pounds to go!!

Good Morning. Yesterday was a good day. I worked and was stationary for 12 hours. This sedentary job is killing my progress. Oh what ya going to do?

I ate really well yesterday, and stayed feeling full all day. I even fought of the urge to have Jet’s Pizza at work!! Yea Me. It was hard but I said NO. As you will see from my food diary, I stayed well below my calorie allotment. As you may notice, again I didn’t lose any weight. MyNetDairy application said that I should eat 2,746 calories for optimal weight loss. I ate healthy foods every there hours and still was unable to reach 2,746 calories, and I gained weight. So it appears that there is something to this you have to eat to burn idea.

Protein Shake 130 cals
2% Milk – 256 cals
Supplements – 55 cals

Low Sodium Chunk Tuna – 140 cals
Miracle Whip w/ Olive Oil – 80 cals
Bell Pepper – 23 cals
Asparagus – 32 cals

Hamburger Only – 284 cals
Pickle – 5 cals
Asparagus – 32 cals
Frozen Banana Peanut Butter Yogurt – 166 cals

Orange – 69 cals
Brazil Nuts – 185 cals
Cherry Tomato’s – 15 cals

TOTAL CALORIES: 1458 cals – 1276 short and I still didn’t lose any weight.