Is caffeine addiction real?

Caffeine addiction? Can something so small and silent have addictive properties and control your mind and body? Bull some say. Well I am a believer.

I am now 2 days into my total body cleanse and reboot of my metabolism. I normally have at least one cup of coffee and usually another caffeinated products during the day. I have cut them all out. I have refrained from enjoying any of my favorite caffeinated beverages. Well let me tell you, I’m feeling it. I have had a huge headache and I soo need a nap. All signs and symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawl

Day 3 – 331.6lbs – 61.6 lbs to go!

Good Morning.

Had a pretty good nights sleep last night. Went to bed around 2300 and was awoken by a little pair of cold hands at 0800. So 9 hours of sleep is good, right. Of course it wasn’t un-interupted. After drinking water all day yesterday, I had to get up and use the restroom a couple of time. I found an interesting atricle on what happens to your body when you lay down to sleep and the affects of drinking water. It’s a great read. Are there benefits to drinking water before bed? . The one that jumped out at me was the toxin clearing. Lord knows we all take in a ton of toxins in our daily environment, and this a cheap easy way to help clear them out. Let the body (kidneys) do what they are designed to do.

Got up this morning and have officially started the “Re-Boot Your Metabolism Meal Plan”. Started things off with 2 pieces of whole wheat Sara Lee bread, a 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of blackberries, a Yoplait Peach Yogurt and a cup of liver cleansing water. Now one would think that this would not fill a big boy like me up, but I am surprisingly full. The Meal plan calls for fruit, lean protein and whole grains only. No Caffeine and more difficulty no rum. HaHa. The no Caffeine is going to be difficult. I love the taste and therefore the affect of coffee. Oh well the biggest part of the meal plan is to help re-train our brain to like and want the healthy things. Depending on who you believe – coffee actually does have some health benefits. Coffee – Good or Bad?. Most agree that the health benefits out-weigh the bad things. So after I am cleansed I will be back on the Columbian Coffee train!!

Thats all for now!