Day 6 – 326lbs – 56 to Go

Starting Weight: 334.8 Pounds
Current Weight: 326 Pounds
Goal Weight: 270.0 Pounds
Pounds Lost: 8.8 Pounds

I will be honest, I am wore out. I am waiting for the day when the energy kicks in. I have experienced it before, but for some reason this time around, I can’t see to find energy. I got up this morning, ran my errands and went to the YMCA. I walked on the treadmill for about 1:15, almost two miles. I had no motivation when I started, and I was hoping that exercising would kick start my energy. Turns out didn’t happen today. I have a million things to could do today, but all I want is a nap. Hey maybe that is it, maybe I need a nap. After lunch, maybe I will try to squeeze a few minute shut eye in! Wish me luck. I have a little helper today, that I doubt will cooperate. I hope the nap helps. I have a yard to mow this afternoon. It could wait, but I need to just do it. Being an adult sucks sometimes. Oh well, I had better get started.